Ultimate Doggo Guide: Care, Training & Tips | BrandName
When I saw the doggo strap, which reminded me of the comfort dog I would later come to rely on, I knew one had to be mine. My story starts 9 years ago, the day after my 22nd birthday. I finished work and was looking forward to MMA training. I'd been training 4 times a week for 11 months when disaster struck. I took a band flip and my shoulder popped out.
After 4 years, 2 physios, 3 Neuro surgeons and 4 orthopedic surgeons, I was given news that my nerves were done and all they could do for pain was fit a spinal cord stimulator. It was a moment where the benefits of having a dog for emotional support became crystal clear. All I remember about my trip home was clawing to the wall of the hospital in floods of tears.
The moment I got her in my arms, my emotional support dog in all but name, it was like the last 4 years melted away. Her name is Joop, aka the watcher, the guardian, the hero. She stood by my side 2 years later as finally the 5th surgeon operated and put 2 screws in my shoulder. Joop has been by my side for 6 and half years, her dog companionship unwavering.
To watch her grow into the best version of herself has made me the person I am today. As an emotional assistance dog, she's been more than a pet; she's the reason I keep going through the pain, through the ups and the downs. Thank you for reading, Becks