Love Knows No Bounds
This was the first ZOX I gave my boyfriend. We had matching ones. He had to stretch his out because this was when it was one size fits all. We were the light for each other to see the way out of some dark times in our lives. ZOX then became a thing, I bought some for him and some for me. He found the imperials that fit him better and then you started making ZOX in large which was a life changer. I have many pictures of him and he is wearing at least one ZOX in all of them. They were one of our things.
I don’t know which ZOX he was wearing when he died from a heart attack in a car accident. I never saw the body. I was lucky enough to get some of his ZOX collection later including keeper and stand tall which is now attached to a zoxlox and my car keys. I bought Gone but not forgotten, part of me, love knows no bounds and all the other ones that reminded me of his love. Some days I had 6 ZOX on at once, they were like my armor.
I started sending ZOX to people who had lost loved ones. Then my giving expanded to ZOX for other circumstances. I sent ZOX to war refugees and was told they used them to learn English. I try to continue to be a light to others and ZOX makes it a little easier.