Mountains To Molehills

Mountains To Molehills

I remember seeing ZOX advertised probably about a year ago and thought it was an amazing idea and told myself I would go back and look to get something. Then I forgot. Over the past two months I've struggled with anxiety about every single day. It seemed that there was no reason as to why, it was just happening. I had reached out to friends and family about my struggles and it helped but it was still happening. I knew that God was working in my life and that was what I held onto. A few weeks into my struggles one of my friends/mentors told me she saw a picture of a molehill and that she felt God wanted me to know that right now this struggle seems like a huge mountain but once I get past it and look behind me all I will see was a tiny molehill. This stuck with me until last week when I again saw an advertisement for ZOX and decided to actually buy one this time. I clicked on the imperial tab and the "Mountains to Molehills" strap immediately caught my attention and I read the story behind it. Instantly I knew I had to buy it. It has only been one week, but getting to look down at the colorful little strap everyday has been an encouragement that I didn't even know I needed. To be reminded daily that I may struggle today, but eventually the mountains I am conquering will seem like tiny molehills. Thank you ZOX. You are an amazing company that has set out to encourage and build people up. I love what you do and hope that I can have this kind of impact on people in the future. 
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