My Story Isn't Finished

My Story Isn't Finished

I've struggled with depression since I was 19. With no clue what triggered it all my thoughts were dark. As time passed I learned of ways to cope but still had days where I couldn't function and basically had wanted to give up. At 23 I watched my dad helplessly try to commit suicide, I struggled trying to help the one man who kept me together all the years, at barely 25 and pregnant, his second attempt succeeded and he grew his wings forever, from there my world turned upside down. Only holding on hope to the little person growing inside me I told myself daily I would best this no matter what. I wouldn't give in, I had so much to live for, this little person, gave me strength. After falling pregnant with our 3rd child I found my life destroyed once again, over lies and deception. I stood tall doing my best not to crumble under the pressure of now having to raise 3 children alone. My story isn't finished, my story is and forever will be the 3 little people who depend on me as much as I do them.
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