Never Give Up

Never Give Up

I bought that one for me; it was my very first strap. I am pretty new to the Zox world…but I was struggling with suicidal thoughts and would beat myself down. I chose that strap to remind myself in each second of the day, that I was stronger than the thoughts in my head were saying. Then I signed up for a local 5k titled “Freedom for Frighters”. Their mission is to end silent suffering. We packed backpacks with canned goods and released some of the weight at multiple checkpoints as a symbol of freeing ourselves from silent burdens. All of this to say…. I met the leader of that run at work one day. We began to share some of our stories because she was thrilled I was wearing her bracelet. She said she had her own silent struggles. I have been able to grow from my own and decided right then and there to giver her my “never give up” ZOX. She was almost in tears and said she would always wear it. Eventually I will replace mine; but I just love that I got to share a piece with her to remind her that she is strong and can keep going even when the burdens feel too heavy!
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