

I was recently umpiring at the Special Olympics State games. It was the semi-finals and the team that won was going to win the Bronze Medal. One of the Athletes was really struggling when they were up to bat and I could hear them talking to themselves about what they needed to do to get a hit. Needless to say they were hitless during the game. I heard them say that they felt it was their fault they didn't win and they were just being hard on themselves. So after the game, I told them I thought they did a get job and if they didn't mind could I give them a bracelet. I took off my Nightfall Zox and read to them what it says. I got the biggest smile in return. Not only from that athlete but from their parents and others that had overheard as well. I think for that situation it was perfect that I was wearing that band that day. To tell somebody else that, "hey you gave it your best but when the day is done and the night is upon us we put that all behind us and look forward to what awaits us starting with the new mornings light".

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