You Got This ZOX Bracelet

You Got This - Chris

“ A daily dose of encouragement”

Greetings from Brazil. This is how I see my collection . I wish I could attach a picture wearing all my Zoxs in here. And I have 3 more on its way. I had a deep depression on 2021, and everytime I look into my collection , it gave me encourament and strength to move on. I usually to choose one per day before leaving to the office, which was a very hard move for me. Incredible uhum, going to work was a burden, everything was a burden , and everyday was an accomplishment for me. Achieve my goal of at least be able to get out of bed and go to work. And wearing a bracelet kind of made me feel stronger or protected. So thank you for creating not only pieces for us to purchase, you guys are beyond money, you give hope to me, you give me strength, joy, self knowledge, self esteem. So it is a pleasure to be part of a project like this.

Cheers, Chris

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