The Water Crisis

The Water Crisis

Let's Discuss the Water Crisis

Did you know that a year’s worth of clean drinking water is provided for someone in need with each ZOX order placed?

If you’re a seasoned Zoxer, this fact may be common knowledge for you. 

Though, whether this is new to you or not, do you know why it’s so crucial that clean drinking water is made available?

According to  Thirst Project, 663 million people lack access to clean drinking water.

663 million people.

The Water Crisis is severe. And it doesn’t stop at the inability to access water. This crisis affects the health, ability to work, or ability to go to school in developing communities. Let’s break down the facts:



Women are the collectors in their communities

Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water” (Thirst Project, 2021). Imagine how much time gathering water takes on top of raising a family, taking children to school, and working a job. When would they have the time? Adult women aren’t the only ones gathering, either. Young girls are also tasked with helping their mothers, meaning they don’t have time to go to school with the other children. 

The average distance to clean water is 3.75 miles

For these women and children to fetch water, that’s a whole school or workday. Now throw in the fact that the walks could be dangerous, so they’d want to avoid going at night; that leaves them with limited time to do anything else after gathering water. Additionally, water is collected using jerry cans, so not only are these women facing long, dangerous walks, but they also face the physical stress of carrying such heavy jugs.


The water is unsanitized

Every 21 seconds, a child dies of a water-related issue; this could be from a water-borne ailment, such as typhoid, cholera, or parasites, or dehydration. Regardless of the reasoning, the primary source is the lack of clean water. By providing a community with safe water, disease rates can drop by nearly  90% almost overnight


We want to put a stop to the Water Crisis. And you can help.

We are partnered with Thirst Project, a nonprofit organization working to end the Water Crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities. To date, they have provided over 400,000 people in 13 countries with clean water. How is ZOX helping? This is how it works:

  1. Pick out the perfect ZOX for you or a friend
  2. Once your order is placed, we automatically make a donation on your behalf through our partner software, Pledgeling, and are then passed on to Thirst Project
  3. Once the ZOX community has funded a well, Thirst Project then assigns the funds towards a specific project. Thirst Project then goes into the community to begin construction and education on well operation and maintenance. This drastically cuts the failure rates of wells and provides a lifetime of impact

Ending the Water Crisis allows these communities to  live. Children can attend school, women can work and care for their families, disease rates drop, and life expectancies rise. As of right now, $578,163  has been raised to build wells through Thirst Project. This number is constantly changing, and you’re why.

Together, we can bring an end to the Water Crisis. So, what do you say?

Ready to help?


  • Thirst Project. “FAQ.” Thirst Project, 2021,  
  • Thirst Project. “Our Mission.” Thirst Project, 2021, 
  • ZOX. “Water.” ZOX, 2019,
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