I Am A Warrior - I
Mindset & Attitude are EVERYTHING, no matter what you’re facing!! As you probably have already experienced for yourselves, ZOX Wristbands are WAY more than just wristbands. They are an awareness. They are empowering, to say the least. They help put God’s Law of Attraction to work for us!! They help us create our mindset newly every day, sometimes every minute! You see, when we think & speak that we are "HEALED", and we get to see this "HEALED" wristband on our son’s wrist, then guess what God's Universe does for us? It sends HEALING! It enables us to bring the future into the present! This wristband keeps “HEALED” current & present, always in our thoughts. And this goes for all of these amazing wristbands. Proverbs 23:7 tells us "For as he thinketh within himself, so he is." So, when I found these ZOX wristbands, I immediately ordered "Spirit Animal" for my spiritual daughter, as it seemed to fit her lifestyle. And then I ordered "HEALED" & "PREVAIL" for my 25 year old son, who has battled a horrific brain infection and suffered 4 strokes, & his dramatic recovery has been on-going for the last 2 1/2 years. My kids have worn their wristbands since the day they arrived several months ago. And now, "WARRIOR" came available. It was a no-brainer for me to order 2 of these for my son & daughter, along with "I Can" & "Unshakeable". Our adult kids were best of friends, and when her brother fell very ill at age 22, our daughter suffered alot, and then within 6 months of that, she had to deal with the suicides of 2 women she was very close to her whole life. The effects were very traumatic, but she made it through. She is a Warrior for sure! Our son is known by his almost 10,000 Facebook followers by the name "Warrior!" In fact, the hospital who saved his life & where he resided for 6 months honored him by putting up a huge portrait of him on the hospital's "I Am" Hallway wall, with a story about him and the words written "I Am A Warrior." So, although we are a very strong & faith-filled family, occasionally we have temporary moments of sadness and exhaustion. Seeing the powerful words on these wristbands reels us right back into believing in the very powerful word that they say! THANK YOU ZOX!!