Just Breathe - IV
On June 24, 2021, my life changed forever due to my only child passing away. As you can imagine since that time I have been on an emotional roller coaster. About a month later, I was experiencing one of my lowest days ever, thinking seriously how was I going to continue living without my son. I picked up my iPad to look at his pictures and decided to visit his Instagram page to watch his videos and to hear his voice. It was then that an ad popped up for ZOX. I don’t know why I clicked on it because I never click on any ads, ever, but I did. Immediately I was intrigued. I read the story, loved what Jason had to say, started checking out the straps and immediately placed an order for six bands, for myself, my sister and my two nieces. They were You Will Get Through This, Just Breathe, I Am With You Always, and Believe In Yourself. Each of them had a special message perfect for the recipient. Since that time I have acquired many more bands and my most treasured is Gone, But Never Forgotten. I have gifted many of these little hugs for the wrist to not only share the uplifting messages but as a small gesture to others letting them know that I care and appreciate them. I also love that they are the perfect “random act of kindness” gift. Another unexpected but wonderful gift was getting to meet and know fellow Zoxers. I have made some great friends since discovering Zox. What could be better than a company that not only creates uplifting, inspirational, creative wrist bands but also has a community of people from all over the world? Every day you can’t help but be inspired by their stories and by the outpouring of support and kindness.