Keep Going - TJ

Keep Going - TJ

My wife passed away after somewhat unexpectedly in April 2023, after becoming ill and being hospitalized in January. She was 44, I was 38, and our daughter was 8. My wife found Zox bands and fell in love with them years before, and we have many that we'd collected over the years. She most often wore Keep Going, and it was her mantra throughout the time she was sick. Anytime I asked her what she needed, she'd say "To just keep going." And she did, until her kidneys and liver were no longer able to keep going. I took her Keep Going wristband and have been wearing it ever since, reminding myself that I need to keep going through my grief so that our daughter can also keep going. It's a beautiful reminder and it helps me feel like my wife is always there, cheering us on, just like she did before she died.

- TJ K.

Keep Going

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