My Story Isn't Finished - XIII

My Story Isn't Finished - XIII

I bought the zox, My Story Isn't Finished, because that phrase specifically speaks to me. Fighting anxiety, depression and having fought eating disorders most of my life-this is what I constantly tell myself. I still have more life to live. I'm a Christian who sincerely loves God but also is real about the struggles I face. I have been through abuse, been assaulted and have fought through feelings of never being enough. But I recently heard a song that said "my story isn't over, my story's just begun, failure won't define me" and it clicked with me. I felt like this was where I am. Fast forward, wearing my bracelet and my cousin is going through a difficult time and we often have the same struggles. I gave her my bracelet. She protested because it was mine, but she needed it for now. She said we'll probably pass it back and forth, which is great because it's a way to encourage each other. A visual reminder that someone else believes our story isn't over. #Ohana-never leave family behind.
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