One More Chapter

One More Chapter

We've all been there. We know the feeling. Our eyes scan the page of a book and we wonder if there are enough words left for redemption. The hero has fallen, the night is black, the end is coming. Then we smile. We smile because it's not over. There's One More Chapter. Life, like reading, takes faith. One More Chapter was my first ZOX, and it's still my favorite. My parents' 2015 divorce and my life-long cerebral palsy sometimes make me want to quit - to slam the book shut lest things spiral into an insurmountable cauldron of grief and anxiety. But if I close the book, I won't know how it is meant to end. I want to experience what's next, leaving room for healing, grace, and joy. As I move around each day on my hands and knees, I see the ZOX message on my wrist. I'm assured that this is not how the story ends and I'm excited to see how things work out. Don't give up! There's always One More Chapter! Have faith and turn the page.

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