Remember To Slow Down
I discovered the Zox family just over a year ago and I’ll never forget one of the first straps I ever pulled from a mystery pack... Slow Down. The minute I pulled it I was at first drawn to the beautiful purple that is on it as purple is my favorite color. But the more I studied this new strap the more I fell in love with it and the company. I am the type of person that is always on the go helping anyone and everyone and sometimes I forget to take time out for myself. My mom is always telling me to “slow down” to not get involved in so many things that are going to drain all the wonderful energy your made of. So when I saw this strap it immediately hit home for me. From the moment I opened this strap to this day, it is one of my most cherished possessions. Sometimes I need that little reminder to just “slow down”. I need to breathe and rest sometimes because I can’t continue doing what I love and helping people if I’m not taking care of myself as well. This strap opened me up to the wonderful world of Zox and I’m so glad I found it. This community has gotten me through some really tough times in my life. Times were I didn’t think anyone would miss me if I wasn’t here anymore. Times where I swore I wasn’t making a difference. But being in this community has shown me that it is ok to not be ok sometimes and having a support system such as this community is a great thing to have when I’m having those days where I’m just not ok. Even if I don’t reach out to the community specifically, just scrolling through the VIP page is enough to get me through those tough days. From the animal pictures people post to just daily blessing that people share from their own lives, I wish there were more communities out there like this one for people to turn to. Being apart of this family has allowed me to grow in ways I never thought I would and for that I am grateful. Much love and support for this community and its future.