Stay Strong - Jason

Stay Strong - Jason

Well, I am an old girl, 59 to be exact. I am a mom and a grandmother. I just love my straps, I wear one everyday, and sometimes I wear them together. Last year on Thanksgiving night, I lost my younger beloved brother Tony. He loved everyone and everyone loved him. he was the life of the party, bought fireworks with him for every occasion. He died of a massive heart attack at the wheel, on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner with his wife in the car. She survived the accident, but dear brother Tony passed away that night almost a year ago now. He lived a thousand miles away from me in a different province. They were almost home when the heart attack came, they flipped the car 6 times and landed on a nurses front lawn, this nurse just happen to be my childhood best friends daughter-in-law. The world is very small place, and everyone is so connected. Tony is missed everyday and I still cry tears but these straps remind me to stay strong and smile.
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