Survivor IX

Survivor IX

The survivor strap means the world to me. When I first came across your website & was scrolling through, it was almost as if the page was blank & all I could see was the survivor strap. I felt an immediate connection & said I need this. I have survived multiple abusive relationships in multiple forms of abuse, it was the only thing I knew for 10 years between different men thinking the next was "the right one." I came out of each relationship more broken than the last, with more scars, no self esteem & no love for myself. But, by the grace of God I survived each one. I fell into addiction as a means to cope throughout those times, I've overdosed, I've turned to self harm, I lost my family & friends & myself through all the chaos. I was beyond broken mentally, physically & emotionally. I cringed when someone would reach out to hug me, I shook being in public, cried in certain circumstances. I've avoided places I once loved as they were now triggers that produce fear and anxiety. After getting away from the abuse I got in relationships that may not have been abusive, but were risky and dangerous as I felt that's all I was worth, I didn't accept love , I was allowing men to use me & throw away as I figured that's all I was good for. I was treating myself terribly & allowing others to as well. Feb 17th 2014 just days shy of turning 30 I realized I was worth more then what I was allowing to happen to me. And now, 7.5yrs I have been without substances, and have been away from abusive men. I am a survivor from domestic violence, I am a survivor from overdosing multiple times, a survivor from self harm. This beautiful strap on my wrist, I wear proudly as a reminder of my inner strength & the situations Ive made it through. Survivors are created from some of the worst moment's of their lives, & for those that are still here to share their strength & courage, I thank you. I share my story to provide strength to those who don't think they are worth it. You are. I didn't want to be a statistic & I knew that's where I was headed so surviving was my only option. 💜
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