Today I Will Not Worry - VI
This Zox touched my heart immediately. Because I used to worry a lot. In 2018, I found out that I have severe rare genetic heart disease. And after that, worries started taking over my life because I didn't want to leave my kids who were 14 and 24 at the time. I was so scared of dying, of my heart stopping. So I worried constantly about what would happen, and how my kids would get on without me. But after a few months of crying and worrying, I started realizing that all this worrying was taking away from the things I should be enjoying in life, spending time with my boys, sitting in the sun, reading a good book. That day I started the journey to a healthier body and mind. I started walking a lot and eating healthy. My heart only functions for 20% and that is not a lot, but I will not let that decide how I am going to spend my days. Each day my mantra was "I will not worry today, but today I will enjoy life". So you can imagine that, when I saw the ZOX with my mantra on it, I had to have it!! Even though I almost never spend any money on myself, I ordered that ZOX straight away, it was a sign that I was on the right path. The next straps are already aligned to be ordered, but this one is special... my mantra come to life. Today I will not Worry...... I choose life!!!!