Together - II
I had never heard of Zox before I stumbled across them on Facebook. I’ve always been a person who reads lyrics to songs to define my life, so when I saw what it was about and how it was like a family and the inspiration that was shared, I had to be a a part of that. I joined the group shortly after viewing the site and in trying to determine what I wanted, I asked about a certain bracelet with meaning towards “being strong” because I’m going through stressful times with my son who was just diagnosed with autism and a sensory processing disorder. Immediately, people were giving me inspiration and helpful tips. There were so many good choices of bands I couldn’t choose. So I figured I would wait on it and see which strap screams at me. Then a lady messaged me. She said she wanted to send me the perfect strap. When I got it, it was the Together strap which was perfect for my situation with my son and the fact that I’m not alone. But then she also sent another one “Inspire” and with this one was a note. The note was very encouraging and reminded me that I am my son's inspiration through it all. After I felt the love from those bracelets, I automatically signed up for a subscription. It’s the best feeling ever, looking down and seeing that inspiration, or little reminders that you can do it!