Watch Over Me

Watch Over Me

It’s a constant reminder that God is watching over me and protecting me and my loved ones. I’ve gifted it a few times to friends that were dealing with health issues to let them know I was praying for them as well. Some of the others I wear are Progress Not Perfection as I am currently on a weight loss journey. It reminds me that even though the scale might move backwards, as long as I keep at it, I will get there. I also love Perfectly Imperfect and Awesome On The Inside for the bright fun colors and a reminder that I don’t need to change for anyone but myself. And finally Love Remembers - I purchased this one for my husband, his brother and 3 sisters after my mother in law passed away last year from pneumonia and was diagnosed with dementia. She was the rock of the family, your typical southern matriarch and she has been sorely missed.
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