You Are Enough - Jason

You Are Enough - Jason

I was in a bad relationship, my therapist tells me it was abusive, though some days it’s hard to remember he was cruel and unkind because the softest parts of me still love him. He very much made me feel like I could never be good enough. I should lose weight, get my tattoos removed, smile less or get my teeth fixed, work a job that’s meaningful (I’m a mechanic) don't eat... between that and some other factors in my life; work, money, I planned to kill myself. I didn’t. My brother’s best friend had earlier this year and all I could think about is how my brother wouldn’t get through losing me too. I was scrolling through my timeline and for some reason Zox showed up and an ad that said “you are enough”. I started crying. I spent so long being told that I was not good enough, it was like the universe was apologizing for just one moment, I bought it immediately. A day doesn’t go by that I don't wear it as a reminder, I am enough, the only person who I need to be enough for is me. I’m not cured. But day by day I feel like I’m becoming who I want to be, with little signs from the universe telling me that I am enough.
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