You Are My Sunshine - VI
It's going on a year soon and I've purchased a strap for so many people in my world. Every member of my immediate family has love you to the moon and back. My aunt passed a bit ago and I remember her always singing"You are my sunshine"to my four beautiful cousins. Guess which straps I gifted them. A few of my friends from high school lost a parent and I'm no longer in the state where we went to school and I couldn't physically be there to just at least hug any of them and I can't stress how grateful I am to you guys for giving me 5he opportunity to be able to hug them. Every time I attempt to purchase myself a strap I end up not getting myself any because my love for the ones in my world is more important. My Mom always tells me to stop spending my money on these straps. Not for any negative reason but just to save my money. I'm soooooo far away from them I can't really afford to travel to see them. And there was a point in my life that I spent money on things that could've killed me but their loved made me the man I am today. The love they gave me and appreciation for me and my existence is why I'm here. I have a soon to be six year old niece that I haven't seen or hugged since she was three. But I know that this separation and distance is only temporary but it hurts. I also know that it could be worse. I stay positive and hopeful because I know God's plan is bigger than mine. I have five straps in my cart currently and I will continue to send my loved ones these tiny hugs until I can physically put my arms around every one of them. Thank you for reading and thank you for these straps.