Many of the straps I order reflect my personality, my hobbies, my likes, and even some dislikes - but they are still a part of ME. Other Straps, I order because I find rare beauty in them, that and perhaps even an odd coincidence. For example, I received “Fate” and read the quote on the card. It was by Stephen Hawking. He had sadly left this world a day or two before I got it, so it holds a special meaning for me as Stephen Hawking brought quantum physics down to the layperson’s level and made it exciting for even me. Today, I finally had time to relax and open my latest two ZOX shipments. Imagine my surprise and delight when I opened one of the packages and got my first gold - it was “Follow Your Own Path” 0084. No saying could better describe me. I’ve never wanted to be like anyone else. I’ve created my own style and ZOX products have become a huge part of that. I go my own way, and that is usually wherever the wind takes me. I’m a runner, so “Run Wild” was a natural pick, as was “Whatever The Weather”. I’ve run in bitter cold, high altitude, brutal heat, storms - I don’t care . I just go. I don’t worry about what others think or say about me, and enjoy being the “Odd One”. I don’t buy these to sell or trade, unless I decide to do so with some duplicates I’ve received by being a member of the exciting and suspenseful “Mystery Club”. I’m more likely to “gift” them to friends instead, and I occasionally buy a duplicate purposefully as a gift for someone I feel specially tied to in some way. My favorites are Straps and the Strings to coördinate my ZOX Imperial zip hoodie 00997 with the rest of my wardrobe. I was thrilled to see that many new strings were released recently and ordered the ones that “spoke” to me the loudest. I love ZOX, and although I just take a chance at what I get and do my browsing and ordering when I have time, I am NEVER disappointed. Keep the good stuff coming, bros! I❤️ZOX! Yours, The Runner and the “Odd One” who follows her own path, “Whatever The Weather”