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Fired Up Bracelet

Fired Up Bracelet

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Hey y'all; whatcha up to? What're you working on – what are you dreaming about today? I'm sure whatever you're working on currently is as amazing as you are and will see great success! If I seem more fired up than usual, it is because I am and you should be too – you are incredible and are inspiring those around you every day.

I don't know if I've ever told y'all about how I came to work for Zox a little over two and a half years ago; which is still a wild story to me. Picture this, if you will – a young illustrator with the second year of college under her belt and beginning to worry about something all artists worry about: how am I going to make a living doing what I love?

I've always wanted to be an illustrator in some way, shape, or form, but when I entered college, I decided that graphic design might present more opportunities. Looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way – the program I was in taught me a lot, and I couldn't be where I am without that knowledge. During this time, I was contacted by Zox about a position on their team that was, quite literally, my dream job. I couldn't believe it!

Fast forward about two and a half years later, and here I am, able to live the dream and create art all day long with a lot of other wonderful people! And this is what brings me to this strap, 'Fired Up' – you should be excited about where you are and all that you've accomplished thus far in your life.

Sometimes during the journey of bettering ourselves and our crafts, we can lose sight of all that we've done so far – of who we are in the moment. I'm always thinking of how I could be better or how I could improve, but it's important to take inventory of all of the good aspects of life in the present. We're constantly improving, there's no other way about it; we're going to be better tomorrow than we were today – but that doesn't mean we aren't wonderful today. When we start to live more in the present and be happy with where we're at right now, time slows and we can appreciate the things in life that matter.

For any creator, it's hard to be 100% happy with anything you make and it's easy to look back on past works and critique them endlessly. When you're constantly thinking, "oh well, when I'm better at ____, I'll be happy," you're not allowing yourself to be happy right now, in the present. Let yourself be happy now, you don't have to wait – celebrate where you're at in this moment. Get Fired Up! Get excited!

This strap was also so fun for me because I have always been a big, big fantasy nerd – swords and dragons are my bread and butter. I hope you enjoyed these storybook-esque dragons and I hope the strap reminds you to be excited; be happy about where you are and all that you've done. You are truly incredible, and you deserve to be happy now – to celebrate yourself and to love everything that you are. I'll catch y'all next time ~



Chelsea Tolin

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