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Guide Your Imagination

Guide Your Imagination

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Good morning, all! We've had some newcomers to the ZOX Blog realm, so I want to give a warm welcome to those who are newly joining us here! If you don't know who I am, I'm Landri, the kindhearted copywriter here. I'm also the resident blog writer, so you'll be hearing from me pretty often!

As many readers know, I'm big into creative writing. I actually majored in that in college, have a BA in Creative Writing, and actively spend my free time investing in the written word.

So, I feel like I'm pretty qualified to talk to you all about a certain subject today... Creativity.

Now, don't turn away from the screen if you're more left-brained, because we're all creative in our own ways.

While I tend to lean more towards writing, you may be creative in the sense that you have big ideas for your business, or life, or just for today.

You don't have to be skilled with a paintbrush to be creative!

The Importance of Creativity

When you think of being creative, your mind may shift to thinking of pianists, architects, sculptors, and artists. Though, creativity can be found all around, even by those who don't usually realize it.

In the simplest sense of the word, creativity means using your imagination to create something new.

Did you catch that word there? Imagination? I know we all use our imaginations!

Whether you daydream, tell your friends about the house you hope to own one day, or implement a code inside a program for work, you are using your imagination. Hence, you're being creative!

The thing about using our imaginations, being creative – however you want to refer to it – is that we're being driven to innovate. To do something. Big or small.

That's the beauty of it all. Creativity is so important, not only inside of us, but for the world, because it constantly ensures that something new, exciting, and impactful is being created.

As Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, famed psychologist, puts it, "most of the things that are interesting, important, and human are the results of creativity … [and] when we are involved in it, we feel that we are living more fully than during the rest of life.”

Isn't that incredible? Our minds are so vast in what they do that we create new things every day that make our lives richer and fuller. Now, you can never say that you don't invent anything because you're doing it daily. In the words you speak, in the movements you make, in the ideas you have.

How to Unlock Your Creativity

As I said, we each possess more than a smidge of creativity in us, but we have to foster, guide, and nurture our imaginations each day to grow in our creative thoughts.

For instance, as a writer, if I spend too long away from my storyboard, I tend to lose touch with the ideas I've been writing. That's when Imposter Syndrome can set in, causing us to feel like we're not talented enough to do well at our respective jobs.

Let's avoid that by implementing new habits to encourage creativity, shall we?

  1. Develop a routine – Whatever it is that you do, devote time each day to working on it. If your creativity shines at work, great! You're already spending each day building yourself up. However, if your creative hobbies take place outside the workplace, spend about 30 minutes (when you can) focused on that activity each day. It's a little tough, but it's possible.
  2. Surround yourself with fellow creatives – Find a friend who can look over your work. Attend conferences that can help you grow in your abilities. Ask for feedback from your coworkers before presenting a big idea to your team. Critiques can be hard to take, but they make us better in what we do.
  3. Enjoy itAlways do what makes your heart full. If it's not bringing you joy, find a new creative outlet. Having fun can help with stress, optimism, motivation, and concentration. Wouldn't you rather spend your time doing things that you actually like to do?
  4. Remember, don't strive for perfection. Strive for progress – You're never going to achieve perfection. As my professor once told me, everything can always be improved, even when you think it's finished. Mistakes happen all the time, so be intentional, and prepare for downfalls. They'll help you do better the next go around.

So, my hope for you with this Spotlight strap is that it serves as a constant reminder that you are the author of your imagination. Guide it where you wish to go. Creativity takes us far, but you have to be willing to take the necessary steps to get there.

Be bold,



Alicia Corrie

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