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Guiding Light

Guiding Light

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Hey y'all; how goes it? I hope you're doing well and keeping cool – it has been a hot few weeks here in Texas, and I think it's just going to get hotter! There are significant boons that this Summer weather brings though; swimming pools, ice cream, and if you're anything like me – watching Dirty Dancing on repeat. Basking in the sun during bright days such as these always leaves me with a feeling of gratefulness; grateful that I've made it to where I am and for the people I get the opportunity to go through life with. Looking back, dark times seem so far away and insignificant a thing rather than what they were to experience.

My inspiration for this strap was derived from personal experience and serves as a reminder to find the light in everyday things and in the people I surround myself with.

When times are at their darkest, sometimes all we need is a little bit of light – the darkness can be overwhelming and there are some days where we just need to let the light in our life guide us through it. What does your light look like – could it be your friends, family, or found family? Could it be an everyday task or something you enjoy doing? Something to give you a bit more battery – a recharge. After all, if we don't allow ourselves a break every now and then to do something that truly relaxes us, we risk burning out.

Whatever that light may look like, allow it into your life – it is alright to ask for help every once in a while. I used to be pretty horrendous at asking for help, I'll admit; I'm a bit stubborn as it turns out – I refuse to admit when I can't do something and in the past, I've pushed myself when I could've made it easier. I'm getting better at it, but a reminder to let the light in is something we all need sometimes.

During times of crisis or overwhelming stress, it's easy to think you're the only one who has ever known darkness like it. This simply isn't true – everyone around us experiences dark days where they could use a bit of light and they could be facing battles we know nothing about. Everyone needs that guiding light sometimes, and just as they were a light for us, we can be a light for them.

Let this strap be a reminder to find the light – nights will come just as well as the day and when they do, lean on those around you. Let their light guide you to a brighter day, and when you can, be a light for them too.

This strap, technically, was a lot of fun for me as well – I went for a hand-inked style with pretty minimal color. Fireflies have always been something I include in most of my art; one summer, I saw them for the first time lighting up the night sky and it was, simply put, magical.

And with that, I'll leave you; I hope you enjoyed this strap and I hope that you find the light! Hold your head high and keep smiling – have a wonderful rest of your week, and continue being the best that you can be; I'll see y'all next time ~




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