Lone Wolf Watch Band
Lone Wolf Watch Band
You want to know something interesting? Wolves aren't really known for being alone - in fact their packs are one of the most important pieces to their survival.
So where then, did the idea of a lone wolf even come from?
Well, there is one occurrence where wolves are known to travel alone: when they leave the safety of their parents pack to start one of their own.
This, my friend, is such an incredible metaphor for our lives, isn't it? Being a lone wolf can seem scary at first, but the reward is worth it. You're figuring things out for yourself and establishing a future that impacts so many more people than you realize.
For the card on this beautiful piece, I chose to use a Douglas MacArthur quote that I felt like really tied into this entire concept:
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.
You may not feel like a leader right now, and you may be scared that you're going to fail. This reminder was made to help you face that fear, believe in yourself and remember that you can do this.
Big Hugs!