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Choose Your Side Barong Mask Bookmark

Choose Your Side Barong Mask Bookmark

Regular price $12.00 USD
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This incredible piece was created by our talented friend Anga, who drew inspiration from the rich and fascinating mythology of Bali. At its heart, this design revolves around the age-old struggle between the forces of good and evil, as represented by the Balinese masks of Barong and Rangda.

I'll be honest - I had to do a lot of research after Anga first sent us this design - I had never heard of Barong or Rangda before. I think once you understand the story behind it, it'll help you understand why I feel like it's so perfect for this week.

Barong, often depicted as a panther or lion-like creature, is the embodiment of all that is good, protecting the people of Bali from harm and bringing prosperity to the land. Rangda, on the other hand, is a terrifying witch-like figure, representing chaos and destruction. Together, they form a delicate balance, locked in a never-ending cosmic dance.

The concept of "Choose Your Side" is particularly powerful in this context because it serves as a reminder that we all have the capacity for both light and darkness within us. It's up to us to decide which side we want to embrace and cultivate in our lives.

When I understood this, I thought it was so amazing because here in the US, we have similar story that's actually the basis behind one of our most popular designs ever, The One You Feed

And I love it so much. 

My hope for this design is that it's a constant reminder of the importance in the choices we face every day, both big and small. Whether it's choosing kindness over anger, forgiveness over resentment, or courage over fear, each decision we make shapes our character and defines the person we ultimately become.

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