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Nothing To Fear

Nothing To Fear

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Hello, friends! If you've been a member of the ZOX Blog for a while now, you may have noticed that this design was released in an earlier blog this year by Chelsea. She shared her inspiration behind this design and debuted it through a video. Now, it's time for the Strap to be shared with the world!

I'm going to share some information with you: this design was one of the very, very first ones I ever worked on at this beautiful job. Literally! It was in my creative test during my application process. So, from the very start, I was exposed to Chelsea's incredible art.

When I first saw it, I immediately thought: wonderland. It was whimsical, explorative, and otherworldly. The same thoughts remain. Except, after reading Chelsea's first blog on it, I realized it was something more. It was an artistic exploration of the journey through life.

If you haven't read her blog, here's a snippet: There will always be things to be afraid of, but how we face that fear determines what kind of life we're going to live. Being brave isn't a special trait that a few of us have, bravery is in all of us, and we have nothing to fear.

She'd created this Strap right after moving here, away from her family.

Starting something new – something I think we can all relate to, as well as the anxiety that comes with it!

Trying New Things

When new experiences arise, it's not uncommon for us to feel a little bit anxious about breaking out of the familiar. Did you know that the fear of new things is called neophobia? It tends to appear as the resistance to change or the complete aversion to taking risks.

Why are we so scared of change? Well, I know that I tend to fear the possibility of failure or judgment of not fitting in. New things come with uncertainty, usually. When you start a new job, you never know if you're going to get along with your new coworkers or boss. Moving to a new place elicits thoughts like, "what if I don't meet anyone new?" or "what if I end up hating it here?"

As an adult, we're expected to accept change as a normal part of life – which, yes, it is. But, we're also creatures of habit, so the acceptance may come with a bit of hesitance.

It's a little paradoxical: to expect everyone to be okay with change but also encourage routines.

No wonder it's scary to try new things!

It's not unusual to fear stepping out of the known and comfortable, but sometimes,  doing something new can benefit you greatly. For example:

  1. Change can summon courage.
  2. It can up the possibility of discovering something new for you to enjoy.
  3. It may keep you from being stuck in a rut.
  4. It will encourage you to evolve and challenge yourself.

First Steps

As Chelsea previously stated, bravery and courage don't appear out of thin air. We all possess what it takes to tackle an obstacle and approach life fearlessly. There will be moments when fear threatens to blind us, but the good news is: trying new things doesn't have to be scary.

If you need a little assistance, here are a few ways to be okay with change:

  1. Appreciate the memories that may hold you where you are
  2. Treat your fear as a challenge to face
  3. Focus on the positive side of change
  4. Find support
  5. Prepare in ways you can
  6. Take it one step at a time

There's nothing to fear about change. It is a part of life, and we can always create new routines in the season of transformation. No matter where life takes us, everything will play out exactly as it's meant to. I hope this Strap is just the push you need to muster a spirit of "I can do this."

You're capable.

Be bold,



Chelsea Tolin

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