Forget About It T-Shirt
Forget About It T-Shirt
I’m so excited about this release! Did you know that people used to think that goldfish had 3 second memories? This rumored fact caused many people to associate goldfish with short memories, little fish that didn’t remember things for very long. Though this fact has been disproven, the stigma has lingered – as you can tell by the name of this adorable ZOX.
Some things are better left behind. Our memories will often betray us by reminding us of the difficult times, people we no longer talk to, or hurtful events of the past in the most inopportune times. When we think of those, we tend to dwell on those moments, hurting us further. Though it’s difficult to do, it’s better to leave things in the past, where they belong. The best way to do it? When those memories arise, change your mind. Change your thoughts by purposely redirecting yourself to better, kinder time.
It’s easier said than done, but we have ample opportunity to change our thoughts. That’s what these little hugs for your wrists are for, right? I hope this ZOX helps you to redirect your memories when tough ones arise. Leave them in the past and take the steps forward into your future.
Be bold,
Bruce Lee