Hold On, It Gets Better Bracelet
Hold On, It Gets Better Bracelet
When life gets tough, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. Trust me, I've been there.
A lot.
But in my own life, I've found that the a gentle reminder from someone who sees what I'm going through can be a tremendous help. It gets me outside of my bubble in thinking that everything that can go wrong probably will, and instead helps me remember that even if it does go wrong, I'll still be okay.
Read that again.
A kind word, acknowledging the pain, hurt, anxiety or depression that someone else may be going through can move mountains. In fact it's such a powerful sentiment that I wrote a card to go along with it:
I'm right here, hanging on with you.
It might be easy to dismiss this idea, feeling like it's not possible for you to care about others right now with how many issues you have going on in your own life. But to me, that's looking at it as the glass half-empty.
Helen Keller said it perfectly:
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."
When we chose to purposely make a difference in the lives of others, we ultimately end up changing our own life for the better in the process. I hope you'll join me in this endeavor.
Big Hugs!