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Release Your Inner Dragon

Release Your Inner Dragon

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Hear ye, hear ye!

Friends, there is a powerful dragon coming out of hiding! But there's no need to panic because it's all within you.

This special blog release holds centuries of lore in its vivid colors and intimidating dragon silhouette. The mythical creature is known across many cultures, coming to represent protection, leadership, strength, and wisdom. That's right, they aren't just scary monsters that torment villages!

In fact, they were often associated with rain and water sources in ancient China, and with the Spring weather bringing the Northern Hemisphere a rush of water, it's the perfect time to release your inner dragon. 🐉

The dragon's power is unparalleled in myths, but it's much more common to imagine yourself in the position of the powerless humans in those stories. I'm here to tell you that you can reverse those roles and picture yourself as that fire-breathing leader!

But being so fearsome comes with its own anxieties. Others won't always be open to you stepping up and letting your voice be heard. As a former student journalist, I've had my fair share of angry responses from people unhappy with my work. But even on the small scale of the university level, I knew it was important to find the confidence to share the truth with my fellow student body.

The height of fear about the pandemic culminated during my final semester, and we were avidly reporting clusters of infected people in order for the on and off-campus populations to be well informed. Not everyone thought publicizing that was beneficial, and sometimes I found myself worried that my voice was being quieted because it should be. I could feel my confidence slipping.

There were a lot of opinions in the mix good and bad. It was only when I listened to my own that I knew my final decision. If I were on the other side of these news articles, I would want to know anything and everything that affected my safety. I owed it to those people and myself to ensure that the truth was shared.

I'm so glad I was able to rely on my inner dragon to push through such a stressful moment. From that experience and many others, I know that confidence is an ebb and flow but it never leaves you. It's so important to remember that your inner dragon is always there waiting to help you through a tough spot.

How To Tap Into That Inner Fire

A dragon's confidence is hard to come by, so don't be surprised if it takes some practice to release your inner dragon. Here are a few ways to work on your confidence.

  1. Focus on the positive (someone should really put that on a wristband 😉). Know one knows you better than you, so take a moment to nail down your favorite skills and qualities about yourself. When you stack up all your abilities and positive characteristics, what you're missing won't seem like such a long list.
  2. Practice what you preach. Now that you know what to be self-assured about, you can put it into action. Translate that into a positive mindset (about yourself and your situation) and body language. The "fake-it-till-you-make-it" attitude starts with outward action and inward perseverance, so stand tall and be kind to yourself!
  3. Understand how you want to improve. Confidence is closely tied to practice and experience. Get specific with what you want to gain more confidence for and then work your way up through baby steps.
  4. Give it time. Your mind and body will need a moment to catch up with the habits you're creating. The adjustment period will be uncomfortable, but so worth it. Push through! You're harnessing the power of the dragon after all!

You'll be feeling as strong as a dragon soon enough, but if you need a bit of help along the way, try out the Breath of Fire technique for nerves, enjoy some dragon fruit to boost gut health, or slide Release Your Inner Dragon onto your wrist!

The artist behind Release Your Inner Dragon created this especially for those looking to break out of their mold. Here's what Jennifer Nichols had to say about her mythical design:

The idea for my ‘Release your inner dragon’ strap grew from a personal need for this particular reminder around my wrist. I am certainly not the first or only person to have struggled with setting healthy boundaries or stepping out of my comfort zone to defend them! It is so incredibly easy to fall into a habit of putting yourself second, and then realizing that so much of your time/energy is being spent on things (or even people) that don’t truly represent your values or goals.

Dragons, in some mythologies, are known for their wisdom and strength. With this strap, I wish the wearer (and myself) the wisdom to know where their limits are, as well as the strength to protect those boundaries and make choices that allow them to live their truth each day.

In tougher moments, I find it helps to picture a little dragon inside of you (it’s something I’ve told my students too). He (or she, or it!) sleeps quietly most of the time, but is always ready to awaken and help protect you when someone/something ‘trespasses’ into your life. Be YOU…bravely, fiercely, and relentlessly. Love yourself first.

Confidence is magnetic, so prepare for people to start taking notice of you. Just make sure to hide your dragon's gold!

Talk soon,



J Nichols

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