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Tomorrow is not promised Bracelet

Tomorrow is not promised Bracelet

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Tomorrow Is Not Promised comes in different alternate colorways - it’s a bit of an easter egg we hid with this design. While the main design is black, we hid 100 pieces of 4 unique colorways within the packages for you to enjoy(meaning you'd receive said special colorway instead of the black one). Good luck!

This little reminder is incredible. Here’s why: I believe remembering that tomorrow is not promised helps us to appreciate the present moment - to live in the now as if that’s all we have. 

This is a great thought exercise that I absolutely love:

If I told you that today was your very last day here on earth, how would you spend it?

Who would you want to see?
Where would you want to go?
What would you want to do?

I find that in my own life, I tend to push my future away. Everything can wait til ‘tomorrow’ because I’m too focused on work, too obsessed with details and too stubborn to give up.

But if I ask myself the questions above, giving myself just 24 hours… man, my perspective totally changes. I’d spend every second I could with my family.

And the reality is that I am nobody special. I could have 24 hours left right now and I’d never know. The truth is, any of us could. So rather than wasting time on things that don’t really matter, my hope is that this little hug reminds you to take time now to do the important stuff. Be with the people you care about most, go see that place you’ve always dreamed of and check those items off your bucket list.

A life truly well-lived is one filled with memories that last far after you’re gone. 

Big Hugs!

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